Regelmatig krijg ik vragen of ik nog een stapel interessante onderzoeken over sociale media heb liggen. Om in dat soort gevallen snel te kunnen verwijzen (zie overigens ook dat tag @research op mijn Delicious account) en geinspireerd onder andere door een eerdere post van Marco Derksen op Upstream en het overzicht van Danah Boyd, hierbij een eerste poging tot een overzicht:
- Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. (2007). Boyd, Ellison.
- Geographic routing in social networks. (2006). Liben-Nowell, Novak, Kumar, Raghavan, Tomkins
- An Investigation into the Mediated Social Networks of Danish Teenagers. (2006). Rochau, Wobido, Mastilo, Pent, Chapman.
- Welke rol Hyves speelt in het dagelijks leven van Hyvers?. Rietdijk. (2007).
- Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?. (2007). Boyd.
- The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites. (2007). Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe
- Signals in social supernets. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. (2007). Donath
- Whose space? Differences among users and non-users of social network sites. (2007). Hargittai
- Mobile social networks and social practice: A case study of Dodgeball. (2007). Humphreys
- An Evaluation of Identity-Sharing Behavior in Social Network Communities. (2005). Stutzman
- Profiles as Conversation: Networked Identity Performance on Friendster. (2006). Boyd, Heer
- Zelfvertrouwen en betere zelfpresentatie voor tieners door profielsites. Schouten. (2007).
- Jongeren en hun identiteitsexperimenten op internet. (2006). Valkenburg, Schouten & Peter
- Structural Link Analysis from User Profiles and Friends Networks: A Feature Construction Approach . (2005). Hsu, Lancaster, Paradesi, Weninger
- Crossing Boundaries: Identity Management and Student/Faculty Relationships on the Facebook. (2006). Hewitt, Forte.
- Public displays of connection. (2004). Boyd, Donath.
- Social network profiles as taste performances. (2007). Liu
- Unraveling the Taste Fabric of Social Networks. (2006). Liu, Maes, Davenport
- Can You See Me Now? Audience and Disclosure Regulation in Online Social Network Sites. (2006). Tufekci.
- Ubiquitous social networks – opportunities and challenges for privacy-aware user modelling. (2007). Preibusch, Hoser, Gurses, Berendt
- The fourth amendment and privacy issues on the “new” internet: and (2006). Hodge
- Information Revelation and Privacy in Online Social Networks (The Facebook case). (2005). Gross, Acquisti.
- Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?. (2007). Boyd.
- A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. (2006). Barnes
- Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace. (2007). Dwyer, Hilltz, Passerini
- A Familiar Face(book): Profile Elements as Signals in an
Online Social Network. (2006). Lampe, Ellison, Steinfield - The fourth amendment and privacy issues on the “new” internet: and (2006). Hodge
- Information Revelation and Privacy in Online Social Networks (The Facebook case). (2005). Gross, Acquisti.
- The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites. (2007). Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe
- Rhythms of social interaction: messaging within a massive online network. (2006). Golder, Wilkinson, Huberman
- Friendster lost steam. Is MySpace just a fad? (2006). Boyd.
- Profiles as Conversation: Networked Identity Performance on Friendster. (2006). Boyd, Heer
- Friendster and Publicly Articulated Social Networking. (2004). Boyd.
- Adverteren binnen Hyves. Post, Van Dijk, Van Osch. (2007).
- Networked Individual. Vos. (2007).
- Welke rol Hyves speelt in het dagelijks leven van Hyvers?. Rietdijk. (2007).
- Fk yea I swear: Cursing and gender in MySpace. (2008). Thellwall
- Friendster lost steam. Is MySpace just a fad? (2006). Boyd.
- MySpace neverending friending: download. (2006). MySpace
- – A Social Networking Site and Social Contract Theory. (2006). Carpenter, Slauson, Snyder
- Copy and paste literacy? Literacy practices in the production of a MySpace profile (2006). Perkel
- The fourth amendment and privacy issues on the “new” internet: and (2006). Hodge
- Digital Relationships in the ‘MySpace’ Generation: Results From a Qualitative Study. (2007). Dwyer.
- Social network profiles as taste performances. (2007). Liu
- Evaluating Similarity Measures: A LargeScale Study in the Orkut Social Network (2005). Spertus, Sahami, Buyukkokten.
- Vizster: Visualizing Online Social Networks. (2005). Heer, Boyd.
- Social Network Analysis on the Semantic Web: Techniques and Challenges for Visualizing FOAF. (2006). Paolillo, Wright
- Copy and paste literacy? Literacy practices in the production of a MySpace profile (2006). Perkel
- Cying for Me, Cying for Us: Relational Dialectics in a Korean Social Network Site. (2007). Kim, Yun.
- Hyperfriendship and Beyond: Friends and Social Norms on LiveJournal. (2006). Fono.
- The cost of (anti-)social networks: Identity, agency and neo-luddites. (2006). Bigge
- Mobile social networks and social practice: A case study of Dodgeball. (2007). Humphreys
- Rhythms of social interaction: messaging within a massive online network. (2006). Golder, Wilkinson, Huberman
- How Peer Photos Influence Member Participation in Online Communities. (2006). Kapoor, Konstan, Terveen
- Language Networks on LiveJournal. (2007). Herring, Paolillo, Ramos-Vielba, Kouper, Wright, Stoerger, Scheidt, Clark.
- An Investigation into the Mediated Social Networks of Danish Teenagers. (2006). Rochau, Wobido, Mastilo, Pent, Chapman.
- Cying for Me, Cying for Us: Relational Dialectics in a Korean Social Network Site. (2007). Kim, Yun.
- A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. (2006). Barnes
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1 comment
Thanks Polle, voor dit fijne overzicht.