
Zobzee relativeert de friendfeed en microblogging hypes

In elke grap zit een kern van waarheid. En dus ook in Zobzee. Zobzee is “Like Twitter & FriendFeed Combined… But So Much Awesomer!“, waarmee de mannen achter Zobzee (bekend van 😉 ) de draak steken met de verschillende lifestream en microblogging services.

En niet geheel onterecht. Soms is in de discussie de realiteitszin over de waarde van services als Twitter en Friendfeed ver te zoeken. Ik schreef mede daarover al eerder de post “It’s the content, stupid“.

Terug naar Zobzee. Een hilarische video, geniale tweets als “The rumors are not true. Apple is not acquiring Zobzee.” en “We’re looking for testimonials from beta users. If you use ZobZee, send us a twitter testimonial we can use.” maken het verhaal compleet. Ook de email die je ontvangt na aanmelding wilde ik jullie niet onthouden:

Thank you for requesting to be part of our beta. Our team has been quietly working in stealth mode for 6-months building the app that will kill both Twitter and FriendFeed overnight!

While we can’t tell you exactly how it will work right now, you can be guaranteed that it will blow your mind. We’ve taken social media to the next level. ZobZee will be like plugging your brain right into your friends brain and actually knowing their thoughts as they think them.

The tech is so revolutionary that we had to get special governmentpermits to test it. Initial testing was done on a few select, not to be named, a-list tech bloggers. The response? Total and complete mind melding with the most important geeks in the world.

Imagine being able to know what Scoble is hungry for the moment he thinks it? He doesn’t even have to type it… just think it, and you’ll know.

Imagine you could know what Jason Calacanis is thinking in the shower. If you are his Zobzee friend, you will know immediately and you could share all of his secrets.

But that’s not even the most killer aspect of We’ve developed a way… wait, we can’t even tell you that yet. It’s simply… unbelievable!

As you may or may not know, we just received $50 million in funding from a group of unnamed investors in the valley. So expect ZobZee to be up and running soon. Techcrunch and Mashable will be
featuring Zobzee within the next few weeks so stay tuned.

Want to help? Please pass the link to as many friends as you can. When we do finally open for beta testing, you’ll be the first to test it out.

Yours Truly,

The Team

Inmiddels beginnen de blogosphere en twitterosphere het Zobzee verhaal op te pakken.

Waarmee Zobzee gelijk een markt openbreekt, die van de fake social networks 😉

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt

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