
“You’re paying the fee for being unremarkable” for Social Media Congres 2011

[slideshare id=6996361&doc=20110223cmsocialmediacongres-110220232510-phpapp01] Amsterdam’s Social Media Congres 2011 is a two-day kickstart in social media. The first day (wednesday) has a pretty interesting workshop line-up with hands-on sessions on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Hyves. The second day (thursday) has a more traditional conference approach but with an impressive Netherlands-oriented line-up: Ronald van der Aart (ex-UPC), Sjef Kerkhofs, Gijsbregt Brouwer and Ludo Raedts.

My presentation is more about social media basics, key challenges and highlighting some best practices; KLM Surprise, Nike Take Mokum, Choqoa and Slijterijmeisje.

I will be in Amsterdam from tuesday evening untill wednesday morning, just after my presentation. Drop me a note if you want to meet up.

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt

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