
SparkCast: Polle de Maagt on Engagement Programs and Social Media

Joseph Pine, Joseph Jaffe, Tim O’Reilly, David Meerman Scott, Jim Sterne, Nalden, Boris Veldhuizen van Zanten, Jim Stolze … and me (and a bunch of others). I was really honored to be featured in the SparkCast, Energize‘s Klaas Weima‘s semi-monthly celebration of bright ideas.

Klaas is probably the best podcast host you could wish for. Well-prepared, inquisitive and above all: beyond excited. He interviewed me on social media, engagement, KPIs and trends for 2012.

Or, as SparkCast puts it:

Polle de Maagt, independent digital strategist, is on a mission. He believes companies should focus more on acts and less about ads. The last decade we have seen radical changes in advertising and branding. Companies have been too busy in focusing on their product and services. As a result, most of them lost connection with their customers. Polle shares his lessons learned at the award-winning agencies Boondoggle and Insites Consulting. In this podcast we talk about the core drivers for marketing change, how companies can earn instead of buy attention and the main trends for 2012.

More than enough reasons to listen to it. Another one: my ridiculous thick Dutch accent. Well, have fun.

Download the Sparkcast as an .mp3 (9MB)

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt

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