
Out of office: Polle leaving for New Zealand and Australia

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I wrote about out-of-office replies before. Out-of-office replies are usually dissatisfiers: the person you try to reach is unavailable and writes the most uncreative and blunt email possible to inform you that he or she is not around and that you can reach some random colleague. We should change that, one out-of-office at the time.

As I left for a week in Australia and New Zealand (for -amongst other things- the PromaxBDA conference), I just changed mine. Let me know what yo think.

Well hello, this is RobotPolle speaking, Polle’s automagically generated assistant.This email is automagically generated, but please don’t trash it just yet!

Between 22/5 and 31/5, Polle will pay a blitzvisit to New Zealand and Australia. His main purpose is to finally learn the Haka ( While focussing on that, he will try to finish two local client projects and speak at PromaxBDA’s conference on Connect 3.0 (find his presentation at Yes. That is the stuff #worlddomination is made of.

That all, however, has a downside. He won’t be able to read his email too much, so you might experience a delay in email replies. He will reply as soon as possible.

In the meantime, feel free to follow his trip on twitter ( or via his blog (

Thank you,


Ministry of World Domination
Minister of Automagically Generated Replies

Changing companies: acts, not ads

Feel free to test it by sending me an email at polle [at] polledemaagt [dot] com 🙂

Update November 2018: I did actually do the haka and wrote a story about it on my travel blog[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt


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