
“Service is sales. Why service management is the single most important thing. Ever.” for Heliview Service Management Conference

The coolest stuff in social happens when old meets new. When a traditional company like Amex integrations social in their loyalty programs (Amex Sync). When KLM let’s you choose seats based on LinkedIn and Facebook profiles (Meet & Seat). When Hivos uses smart nudge and social techniques to make people save energy (more here). And with social becoming more and more integrated and accepted in most companies, we’re up for the coolest and most impactfull era of technology.

Same for service. While consumer and client expectations are getting higher and higher and while it is more and more important to act and do stuff worth sharing, managing service and service propositions is really key. That’s why I’m really happy yo be speaking at Heliview’s Service Management Conference this wednesday. I will try to add some chunks of social awesome, the audience will add some service management experience.

[slideshare id=13289769&doc=2012-06-13-heliview-servicemanagement-slideshare-120612041834-phpapp01]

Let me know what you think!

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt

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