I have been working on the concept of gradual engagement for the last few weeks. It starts from…
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De burgemeester als conversation manager? GentM daagt Daniel Termont uit tot een twitter experiment.
Gisterenavond was de achtste editie van #GentM, een tiental inspirerende avonden over digitale creativiteit in Gent. De editie…
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How to engage in conversations? How are we managing consumer expectations as soon as we’re start answering questions…
[slideshare id=8148521&doc=20110530csfontysconversationworthy-110530043747-phpapp01] A group of students from the International Lifestyle Studies at Fontys in Tilburg is visiting Ghent…
Tonight, I will be staying at the Hotel Saint Sauveur with my girlfriend, her sister and family to…
Being conversation-worthy, having consumers and clients talk about you. That’s pretty high on the agenda of most brands…
Last summer, my girlfriend and I went for a short break to Italy. We travelled different cities and…
At last week’s Future Summit, P&G’s André Convents (Section Head Connect & Develop) had a pretty interesting presentation…