Groupon (and it’s clones) made pricing sexy again. They used digital technology to leverage ease of use, smart…
Some weeks ago, I met the director of the Opera in Lyon. He told me a story about…
[blackbirdpie url=”!/Polledemaagt/status/61017357518241792″] It all started with a tweet I wrote yesterday, “Sorry, I don’t believe in gamification per…
So, advertising agencies and advertisers are all over being contagious, engaging consumers and creating stuff worth sharing. They…
More than 18 months ago, I got in contact with the director of a small university studies in…
[slideshare id=7669783&doc=20110419cmdunckloyalty-110418224103-phpapp01] So, with new technologies and social media becoming omnipresent, how will loyalty marketing change? A short…
While communication becomes more conversational, new marketing and advertising tactics arise to build upon consumer conversations and social…
[slideshare id=7637567&doc=20110412cmklmsocialmediaslideshare-110415051422-phpapp02] Another proof of KLM’s dedication to social media and consumers: last monday and tuesday they organised…
[slideshare id=7458051&doc=20110401cmbvicinternalcommunications-110331024940-phpapp01] More than ever, companies are about committing acts, not ads and company culture is the way…
[slideshare id=7441944&doc=20110315cmbcconversationmanagementslideshare-110330003919-phpapp02] It is tempting to approach social media in business to business (B2B) environments the same way…